Friday, June 7, 2013

Wheatgrass Drink

Wheatgrass is the ultimate in alkaline food, or at least that's what they say. In my experience, wheatgrass has played a big role in my alkaline diet. Read on and find out. As a bonus, I've made a video of the wheatgrass that I use.

As a regular routine, I have a wheatgrass drink a couple of times a day. Earlier, I used to have Tony Robbins Green Drink, but I later switched to an Indian alternative. There are a couple of reasons for this, firstly, TRGD needs to be imported from the states, it's not available in India. Secondly, it costs around INR 5000(USD 100). But I must stress that TRGD is truly awesome in it's feeling. It will make your body feel light, this feeling of 'being light' can't be explained, but once felt, it feels truly amazing, there is no other feeling like that.

Coming to the point, I want to discuss wheatgrass powder, available locally in India and made in India. Simply put, wheatgrass has many 'benefits', but the only benefit I can feel in my body is that it makes your digestion system and excretion system function properly. Usually, when you eat junk, you mess with the system. Wheatgrass drink does some damage control and helps the food digest faster.

Wheatgrass powder is very cheap it costs INR 200(USD 4), you get 75g of powder which will last for about a month. To show you the exact details, watch the video for this.

Wheatgrass is good for you, so is using the breathing techniques,nobody is alkaline or acidic, its a continuum,  adding alkalinity to your daily diet, helps, it makes the diet better. It does some good stuff. It takes 20 parts of alkalinity to neutralize 1 part of acid, so work on keeping to reduce your acidity and increasing alkalinity.



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