Friday, October 18, 2013

Health or Friends?

I'm sharing a personal experience about how eating clean or rather your intention to eat clean could hurt other parts of your life. Being rigid about my meals doesn't help me.Why? Isn't it good to eat clean all the time? Isn't it healthy? I will create problems in my body if I don't eat clean. These maybe some thoughts that go through your head when you've chosen to go the alkaline way and someone asks you to eat a meal you shouldn't eat as part of the diet.

Friendship is all about experiences you share with a person, the more number of experiences you share with a person usually leads to friendship. If a friend is giving me something to eat, even if it's something that isn't good for you, but a single spoon isn't going to have any negative impact on your body. I'm talking about food, not alcohol or cigarettes. Those are a complete no.

What happens when you say no?  As a normal part of friendship bonding, you have to do several things to get closer to people. So if out of love and affection a friend is feeding you, and you say no, they'll feed someone else and they'll get closer to other people.

This is a challenge I faced in my life and I don't want any of you to ever have to face this ever. It doesn't feel good when you're losing your friends for your health and when you feel that you're losing friends for health. You'll stop caring about your health and choose friends.

We're human, we crave love more than we care about anything else in the world. That's why even though our loved ones are doing things that may damage their health and their lives, we continue to be with them and not lecture them about their health all the time because of our fear of losing them.

Eating at fancy restaurants, guys night out full of drinking, all these things have been promoted by the culture, people do that because it's what they seen in movies and on TV. Since people became health concious, super markets started an organic section, and now, there's an entire super market for organic foods called 'Whole Foods' in US. Multi national companies give the people what they want, people want burgers, they get burgers, they want pizza, they get pizza.

It's simple how these things work. But in my experience, you're friends probably won't support your endeavours, they'll probably say you're out of your mind. But facts and data don't lie, the same friend who doesn't care about health will probably have a heart attack at the age of 35 or 40. He'll be diagnosed with diabetes, and will live the rest of his days repenting his situation. If you're the person headed for those signs, heed this advice now and get healthy.

Change for your life, others will follow. Your true friends will support you nevertheless.



Friday, October 11, 2013

Emotions Are Acid?

Hey guys,

This post is not related to food at all, this is completely related to the emotional state of being and how it effects acid alkaline balance in our body.

Before you debate whether emotions actually play any role in the chemistry of the body, I'd like to clarify, our emotional states DO make a difference in the body.

Negative emotions are associated with acid, anger, frustration, hurt, guilt. All of these are pure acid, they create more acid in the body than the actual food you eat. If you're super stressed about eating right and not eating the wrong things and every single moment you feel like heavens will come crashing down if you eat something that contains a little fat, then you're creating more acid in the body than the actual food will create. This is especially true about the people who can't seem to lose the last few pounds and they're under constant stress and that is the acid that's holding onto the weight.

On the other hand, positive emotions create a stress free environment in the body that allows alkalinity to grow, it sounds like this may not be accurate but the truth of the matter is that the emotions in our body have a big role to play in our acid alkaline balance.

On a side note, while this matter isn't completely related to the topic, but I feel it's important to stress this matter that it is our emotions that often cause us to eat things that we aren't supposed to eat. This is probably the biggest factor because of which people never control their eating.

I'm not discussing solutions, but I'm making you aware of the problem. Look out for patterns of emotional eating and bursts of negative emotions in your life. We'll discuss how to deal with them in our next post.



Friday, September 20, 2013

How does it feel?

Every single day, I have someone or the other asking me about how I can live off of salads. I simply reply, I'm used to it. They question why I eat salads, they say it's unnecessary, say health isn't such a big deal.

Well, every time someone speaks about such things, I never preach to them about health or about the alkaline diet, they're probably very happy in their respective lives and don't want any stress about their health issues. It's happened so often that I never talk about eating healthy to them nowadays, except for in the case where they actually want to talk about it.

Everyone young, I won't define young, but I think you get it. Young people feel like they will live forever, and eventually they have some problem with some part of their lives, this is in reference to health. They shrug it off as if it happens to everyone, and live on. Rarely do they reflect on the reason of the lapse in health, there are few who do and those are the people that come into healthy eating.

There is a single point I'm making in this post, and this is redundant, I've spoken about it before and I speak about it again. Health is the most important aspect of our lives, it can't be bought, money can help you get in better health, but it can't bring you out of death. I'm not referring to death by cancer or some deadly disease that could be cured with a million dollars, I'm referring to the death that is caused by years and years of poor health habits.

Let this post be a reminder to get back onto health. It's never too late, start now. It's for the best. Start small, but start.



Friday, September 13, 2013

Time Flies, Habits Bring Results

I just look back at the time I turned vegetarian, It was June 2012, how time flies, I seems like just yesterday that I switched on to the alkaline diet, but it's been more than two years. I just felt like turning veg and  I did it. Most people probably don't feel it's so easy, I'll leave going vegetarian for another post, but for now, I'd like to discuss  how habits bring results.

"Nothing Tastes As Good as Health & Vitality Feels" - Tony Robbins

I want to reinforce the notion that it's not possible to change everything overnight, you will never succeed unless you have too many things depending on it. I'm sure you have scores of examples in your own lives. If everyone is doing it, you're much more likely to do it. Since most of us don't have that option, or perhaps a better way to put it is that most of us can't create such situations easily, we must use whatever will power we get on a daily basis and direct it into developing one single habit.

This principle has worked for me time and again, but I still keep hunting for newer techniques, but I fail at all of them, the tried and tested method of adopting one single habit seems to be the only way we can actually achieve longer term success.

This point is subjective, in essence, if I've got the discipline to do this for an year, I'll have gained some momentum, to add fuel to the fire is easier, but starting the fire is the hard part.

For most of us physical health and fitness is not at the level we want it to be, the irony of the fact is that if you have this are under control, everything else becomes so much easier.

I've felt the feeling of how it feels, it's totally amazing. But it's not an addictive state, junk food has an addiction to it.After eating any junk, you feel a craving for about 3 days, if you eat to satisfy the craving, you feel it for another 3 days and the vicious circle goes on forever. On the other hand, quality food never has any of such addictions, it just makes you feel good. It has a higher taste, something that can't be explained. But it will satiate your desires, after a couple of months, the cravings reduce,  you will feel a need to eat maybe once a month, if you overcome it, you'll feel it less frequently.

The urge may never go away forever, but this is the way life works.

Choose your habits wisely, because time magnifies habits.



Friday, September 6, 2013

Some Facts About People Who Follow Through

Most people find the hardest part of a diet is to follow through, I'm referring to a diet but basically anything in life when new, people find it hard to figure to keep going. From the experience of my life of spending 15 months in the alkaline diet as of today, I have the clear answer to this question and that is what I will delve into this article about.

The phases of my life when progress was happening, things were going great, everything seemed perfect were the times when I had the best results with the diet. I lost several kilos, looked great, felt amazing, didn't have to worry about food at all.

The common thread through all these things is one reason, it is that I never thought about food at all. I ate whatever was planned, but the plan was made when I was in the right state of mind. I was busy before breakfast, busy after breakfast, busy before lunch, busy after lunch, even during lunch, I was thinking about things to do after lunch. Lunch (or any meal) was simply a chore that made my life better, it enriched my life.
After you create habits, they keep serving you even if you don't want them, whether good or bad, habits are habits.

I really like this quote from a lady called Patricia Fripp "Habits are like railway tracks, they take a long time to form, but once formed, they take you where you want."

There is a simple way to make habits, the concept goes like this, you pick one thing that you want to imbibe to yourself, make it an executable task, for example, if you want to eat alkaline, decide to make an alkaline breakfast everyday and have it, that is an executable task. Then perform this task for 30 days. The habit is ready.

If you feel overwhelmed by the executable task, break it down further, make it so simple that you feel like it's a piece of cake.

This is a simple but powerful message, just keep this in mind, it can change your life. It changed mine.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Vegetarian for Life

A lot of my friends and relatives are asking me how I manage to abstain from eating non veg. I used to eat chicken, lamb (mutton), fish, prawns etc. One day, I just decided to stop, well, after that day, my life has never been the same.

Vegetarian food has the excellent benefit of keeping the body light, this is a hard concept to explain, to understand what I'm talking about, on 2 separate days, have one vegetarian buffet and one non vegetarian buffet meal, the difference will be clearly evident, vegetarian feels much lighter after you consume it, non veg on the other hand gets you feeling drowsy and often times you feel like taking a nap after it.

The benefits of being veg are numerous, firstly, I never have to deal with bones or thorns, veg is always boneless. The second benefit is something that's not obvious, but it really gets you feeling good in the longer term, when we consume animal flesh, we also consume the cholesterol of the animal, this is the reason our arteries are clogged and blood capillaries struggle to allow the blood cells to pass, this in turn is the primary reason for heart disease.

Another fact to keep in mind is that the way these animals are raised to meet our needs for meat. These animals are fed specialized food that makes them grow big and juicy so they can be cut. They are genetically engineered to have different body parts that people want. I won't go into the details, but I'd suggest you do your own research, watch a documentary like 'Food Inc'. The animals know that they're going to be slaughtered and this releases all sorts of stress hormones which we consume as a part of eating flesh.

For me personally, I found veg to be a cleaner way of eating, I found it to be better. That's the reason I switched, for you there maybe many reasons, but you'll never regret the decision.



Friday, August 23, 2013

Weight Loss

The main reason 90% of people get into healthy eating or diets is for weight loss. They are not aware of what they feel like because it's so normal to feel drowsy and low on energy. After they do get into health,  most people never actually track everything to the tee. They eat healthy sometimes and eat junk other times, but overall, if you look at the people who've invested their time into healthy eating, they DO lose weight.

Over a span of 5 years, the change is clearly visible, the problem here is that most people want to lose weight immediately, within a week or a month, sometimes even days. They want to look great for that special party. They don't put in the effort, their life goes back to the same old rot they used to be in.

I want to clarify one thing today, in this information age, there is more information than a person can read in a lifetime, let alone understand and execute, so the best information is the information that you apply. It means whatever spend time reading, spend more time executing. Simple habits like one salad a day, do wonders for your digestion. A wheat grass drink every day also does a lot of good.

Get this, nature abhors a straight line, if you see a straight line anywhere in nature, a man made it. If you look at our lives, we don't consciously think about all the things we do, we do things for many reasons. It is required of us to add useful habits to our lives which take us far over time.

Everything happens over a span of time, if I weigh 120kgs, I'm obese and have tons of fat to lose, there is no way I can get six pack abs in a week. It's just not possible. But over the span of a year, consistent workouts (consistent doesn't mean everyday, it just means on a consistent basis), a six pack is easy. Look at any person who's been going to the gym for a couple of years, I bet you, he'd look better than a person who's never gone to the gym at all.

The purpose of this post is not to introduce new 'alkaline berries' or 'alkaline shakes' that will get you to lose weight today, but rather to get you to focus on the only way to long term sustainable weight loss.

